Learning Principles At A Flight School


Seven principles of learning are described below. Read them carefully and determine if they apply to you when acquiring new practical and theoretical knowledge of flight training in van nuys. If so, they will also apply to students. Try to associate only one term with each principle of learning as it will be used throughout this guide and in the questions on teaching techniques.

 Learning is simplified when using the following principles:

 Preparation - Ensuring students are mentally, physically, and emotionally ready to learn.

 Primacy - Presenting new knowledge and skills in the right way the first time. (Teach correctly the first time.)

 Relation - Present the lessons in a logical sequence, proceeding from the known to the unknown, from simple to complex, from easy to difficult.

 Exercise - A student learns best at flight training in van nuys when participating in a meaningful activity.

 Intensity - Experiences that are impressive, realistic or unexpected are those that are remembered for a long time.

 Effect - To ensure that students feel satisfied for having participated in the lesson.

 Retention - At the end of each lesson, summarize and practice the important points; what has been learned or practiced most recently is remembered the longest.

 The above learning principles are useful tools when used well. The question, of course, is how these principles apply to flight instruction. This will be answered by reviewing and discussing each of the principles of learning along with relevant instructional suggestions.



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